The Fairies of Down Under by Geoff Allen


ISBN 978-0-9951092-8-5
October 2018
B format, 170pp with black and white illustrations by the author
RRP $25

When European settlers sailed to the bottom
of the world, to Down Under,
they took with them: tools, seed, livestock
and their hope.
They did not take monsters.
Those crept aboard all by themselves.







Geoff Allen is an artist, actor, playwright and author. His short stories and poems have been published in Takahē, 4th Floor Journal and NZ Short Short Stories 2000. His plays have been produced by Galatea Theatre, which he co-founded, and workshopped by Circa and Playmarket. Geoff is fascinated by myths and legends and how they travel around the world. He lives with his family in North Shore, Auckland, and writes full-time.

Cover illustration: Geoff Allen
Author photo: Ellie Hashemi